Monday 6 December 2010

Summer Bay - 20th October

Although I had work as a removal man, it wasn't guarenteed everyday work. Some days I would get a call and it would be a 3 hour job, other days an 8 hour job and some days, no work at all. It turned out I had no work at all, Sar still didn't have a job so we decided to do something with ourselves. Rob had lent us his car, a beast....Ford Falcon estate, automatic. The easiest car to drive in the world, well once you've hit the gearstick to start her up!!

We set off, Sar with the map in her hand and me behind the wheel. We set off north and kept going until we hit Palm Beach. The famous beach known as the 'Home & Away' beach where it's set, 'Summer Bay'. We found a parking spot, and decided to walk up to the end of the beach. A beautiful day, probably one of the hottest we've had since being in Australia, so it was all good. As we walked past, the home and away cast were out filming up on the top of the beach. We were going to head over to see the hero Alf, but decided we would stop off on the way back. We continued right up to the end of the beach and sat up on the sand dunes admiring the amazing view of the whole beach, as well as trying to figure out how to get up to the lighthouse....we were unsuccessful, much to Sar's delight!! 1 thing we did notice was the number of dead birds that had been washed up...that was a bit weird, but didn't dent the beauty of the beach a bit....Almost orange sand and the sea around Sydney seems sooo blue, as if we were back in Indonesia! After spending a few hours at the beach, we decided to slowly drive back and stop off at the many beaches we past on the way up. We stopped off to get some food. Sar found a nice restaurant, but it came with a price tag, so as we sat down and looked at the menu we decided maybe we should skimp out and go to the chip shop next door......Great move!! huge portions for $4! 2 pieces of fish and too many we're back eating real food!

We stopped off at Whale Beach, Avalon Beach and Freshwater Beach on the way back, which were all similar to Palm Beach but smaller versions. They all had the orange sand, the blue water, a few surfers surfing the waves and the rocky headland at each end with houses built on the edge of the hillside around the beach.. Driving round the winding roads admiring the views over the next beach and then winding down again to the front of the beach until we got back to Sydney. It was an awesome day, we couldn't believe what was so close by. A few miles out of the city and there was this paradise of beaches to take your pick from, and this was only the northshore beaches!

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