Thursday 16 December 2010

Balmoral Beach :)


Sar finally had a day off from her 2 jobs. After working non-stop for 10 days! This was in my 2 weeks of no work stint, so we decided to do something with our time...beautiful day, 33'C, so we got on the bus at the top of the road and decided to see what Balmoral beach had to offer. We had heard a lot of good things from Jess, Ange, Julz, Tracey and nearly everyone we have met! 15 minutes on the bus and we had arrived. It was beautiful, a long beach again with the rocky headland and houses all built into the hillside surrounding the beach. Then in the middle of the beach there was a bridge out to an island which broke the beach up into 2 parts. We sunbathed for most of the day, took a picnic consisting of pancakes and bread with an avocado dip...yummy! We went to the island to see the great view and get a bit of shade before heading back to the beach to get some more sun....the water was FREEZING! So cold that we chickened out of swimming and decided to paddle and then go back to our sunbathing. Another great beach, just 15mins away...Sydney is getting better by the day, we are living the dream in an amazing city! Definitely heading back once the weather gets back to it's best...possibly Christmas day
We revisited on 14th December...again we both had the day off and the weather has been amazing for the past week! 11am we arrive and lay there until 4. This time I have to take a swim and it's ice cold, sooo refreshing as it's wayyy hot! after 5 hours in the sun Sar has missed everywhere with he cream! red everywhere!! apart from a strip on her arm and 1 of her knees! the sun is leathel!

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