Thursday 16 December 2010


2 1/2 months into our year stint in australia and we have gone through a lot of jobs! As soon as we arrived, I had the choice of choosing either an ice-cream man or a removal man. I went for the removal man and gave the boss a call....We had randomly got this number off a guy we met diving in Indonesia! Sure enough I rang him and he offered me work the next day. 6am pick up! It turned out the work was a doddle, filling containers with school tables, desks and chairs to send off to Papua New Guinea etc, and the odd house removal which was nothing the guns couldn't handle.
Although once we moved into our Flat, it meant I needed regular hours. The removal work was on a basis that if he needed me he'd ring me at 9pm the night before and say he'd pick me up at 6. So sometimes I never got the phone call or rang him asking for work and he had nothing for me, so I started to look elsewhere. Also the fact that we had a close encounter with 7 red back spiders on 1 job put me off a little bit, I hadn't signed up for that!
Me and Sar both registered with agencies within the first week hoping to find any job we could....Sar's got back with nothing...useless!! mine got back to me with a job in an airport trying to persuade people to sign up with insurance...I turned this down as I thought the chances are if someone is in the airport, the chances are they have already got their insurance sorted! Plus I think for the sake of the company it would be best if I didn't do a shitty job like that!!

So I held out the removal work for a bit longer, starting to get regular hours but then every week my pay would be wrong, so I'd have to chase it up and really hassle him for the money. So I continued looking. I got a text from this guy who asked me to do some call centre work for him...the ironic thing was he couldn't talk on the phone about it, it was all through text! so I did 3 9-5 shifts and to be was hell!! getting abuse on the phones all day ringing people in Victoria asking if there was a political election, which party they want to vote you can imagined I got told to shove it everywhere possible!!
luckily, well not at the time, he then had no work for the next 2 weeks. So I had turned down the airport job, no work at the call centre and the removal jobs were about 2 jobs a week...It was time I got my amazing as ever CV out on the road, got my RSA so I could work in a bar and went on the job hunt...I handed it into about 10 bars, 3 cafes and a bakery. A week later I heard nothing back so decided to chase them up, and out of the blue the bakery offered me a job!! the local bar up the road is a possibility too, so 3 jobs later here I am working in a bakery with full time hours!...wearing white trousers, white top, an apron and a hat...this job is a real mans much that when the removal guy rang me to do a job I couldn't tell him I was working in a bakery, instead.....a cafe!

Sar had no luck with the agency mallarky and her CV looks a lot better than mine, plus she's also added a picture of her face on her CV which has worked well! Sar had no work for around 1 month apart from the odd babysitting job, 1 of which she saw a huntsman spider and rang me to drive over and kill it!...I told Sar to smack and if not get the little Aussie kid to, she must be used to them living here...that didn't go down well, she started crying!! So I got in the car ready, and sadly we had a flat tyre!...turns out the spider was on the outside of the window anyways!!! toad!!
So 1 month of sitting around, she got a call for an interview at a shop and nailed it!!
Sar soon got a job at Forever New, a womeswear shop and on her 2nd shift got offered to be jewellery manager! and also, meeting Tracey through our Aussie friends we met in Vietnam, managed to swindle her a role in a cafe up the road doing 3 days at each job! Sar also got offered a few jobs but had to turn them down as she already had too many hours offered to her!! So 2 1/2 months in and we are finally going well... I thought I'd post a blog if anyone is interested in what jobs we've done and what we're doing now, plus so we don't forget!...It's not as easy as it's made out well for us anyways!

Both getting ready for work in the morning, Sar calls me in the room to find a HUGE huntsman on the wall...As I have a duel with the spider, he wimps out and runs under the bed. Luckily he ran onto a box. Pulled the box out, Sar hands me a flip flop and I smash him...huntsman in the house count: 1 - huntsman surviving in the house - 0

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