Thursday 16 December 2010


Halloween had come around and like usual we wanted a party for it, just like being back at uni. Jess had arranged to rent a village hall out and have a party there but that fell through, so instead we went over to julz's for pre-drinks before heading into King's Cross to a club where if you're dressed in fancy dress you get free entry. Elyse was also coming down from Newcastle to party so we got to see her again which is always good news. Once we have regular jobs rolling and cash flowng we aim to go up to Nelson Bay, home to Jess, Julz, Elyse, Ange and Chris to party!
We couldn't decide what to dress up as but last minute decided Sar would go as a doctor, I would go as a mime and Tom would go as a vampire. Being pretty skint it was hard to get a costume together but Sar found her kids costume for $5! I had bought a stripy t-shirt anyway so just needed some facepaint and a hat so we got by!
The night before we had gone out to the Oaks for Rob's birthday and Sar got pretty drunk! So she decided to drink water for the halloween party. That was a bad move as she got to realise how bad the club in Kings Cross really was being in a sober state! I decided to take a goon to drink (box of cheapo wine), which was a bad mistake. The next morning I had the worst headache ever!! We met the rest of Julia's housemates and many other of their friends which was cool and hit the club, which turned out to be, only girls dressed up get in free, not guys! $15 each for us! Ordering cider at the bar and the barstaff didn't even know they sold what we were ordering is always a good sign!...The club was a bit of a dive but we had fun nonetheless

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