Thursday 9 September 2010

Thailand, Koh Phangan and Bangkok

So our two week stint in Thailand had come around wayyy too quick, and after 5 and a half months of being away from home, we had our first visitors :) YAYY. Rach and Mike were meeting us in Bangkok and after about an hour of waiting and some dodgy directions we met them on Khoa San Road. It was soo great to see them...finally some familiar faces.

We set our bags down and made our way to the main street to grab a Pad this had been the main talking point for some time prior tho the trip ("Its a fruit" hahaha). I think everyone throughoughly enjoyed the street food, even Rach, who wasnt too keen, as she didnt want to upset her stomach!! haha! We spent the rest of the night drinking from the famous Chang Beer towers (although Dom and Mike got San Miguel as there was no Chang lady) and eating banana and chocolate pancakes :)
The following day we had some free time on our hands before we had to make our way on the overnight bus to Koh Phangan, so we treated ourselves to a fish eating spa...extremley strange, definitely not theraputic, but our feet felt great afterwards...well Dom's especially, ALL the fish enjoyed nibbling on his feet a little too much. We obviously had to top that off with a pedicure...even Mike. Dom wasnt too keen on the idea, Im not sure why, as it was sooo good!! So our feet were neatly cleaned and painted with small little flowers on too and now we were ready to shop!!!..well Mike didn't finish it off with a pretty little flower...Although it would have looked good!

We definitely shopped for the rest of the day...Rach and Mike probably spent the majority of their money...only joking!! They did buy a lot though throughout the whole 2weeks!! hahah. We hung around until 6pm when our bus was due to pick us up...Thailand being Thailand obviously it was late. We had to wait until 7:00 for the bus to turn up but we couldnt complain after only actually paying for 2 tickets, not 4, after the lady didnt count our money properley and Dom had actually short changed her by 500baht...£10!! hahaha.

So after a pretty sleepless night, two rubbish films...Independance Day being one...a lot of games of uno, a million bags of crisps, a VIP bus, a local bus, a mini bus, a boat and a tuk tuk we arrived in Koh Phangan Rainbow cottages at around mid-day!! The place was amazing, we were definitely spoilt by this one. The rooms were little bungalows in an amazing garden, right next to the beach....which was basically our own beach as no one else was there. It was heaven. We threw our bags in the rooms, grabbed some lunch, which again was beautiful, and ran straight into the sea. It was like a bath, we had to wade out quite far to get some depth and even then we were still only knee deep. But we couldnt complain, the sun was beaming and we were in the middle of Thailand :)

The next few days were spent sunbathing, eating lots of food, playing beach ball with the owners two dogs, Max and Roly (who Rach had willingly adopted for 4 days), playing Jenga and drinking Chang and milk....(not in that order) ..mmmm. It wasnt until the Full Moon party that we got dressed up and opened our cheap (75p) bottles of whiskey from Laos...the drink was suprisingly nice. We painted ourselves in neon colours and got our raving clothes on ready to experience the full moon!! We arrived around midnight and stepped out of our taxi to be greeted by a girl throwing up all over herself...lovely sight as you can imagine. We headed to the beach and took lots of snaps of our raving gear under the UV lights!! There was a huge mix of all different music kind of mixed into one, from one bar to the next. Everyone seemed to be wasted, we must have been late starters beginning to drink at 7pm, it was fun though. We had a bucket on the beach, while trying to avoid the drunken stumblers from falling over us. It was one of those moments where you could laugh at every single drunk person who walked past because they were all a mess!! Before we left we got some felt like we were in huddersfield again hahah, and headed back to get a taxi. Mike and Dom had other plans and finished the bottle of whiskey off back at the bungalows,staying up until 7am!! They were definitely the ones who were rough in the morning. hahaha!!

We had a few days left and rented some mopeds out, we took Rach and Mike to Koh Ma beach, where one strip of sand connected one island to another, it was soo amazing. The weather, yet again, was beautiful and we decided to rent out snorkels. The coral reefs were so coool, we swam around for about 1 hour looking at so many differnet fish. This definitely got me excited for scuba diving!! Rach and Mike had gone to get a aloe vera massage on the beach since they had burnt themselves for the last 3days while me and Dom sunbathed. We headed back around 6 just before the sunset and had amazing views over the island on the windy roads back to the hotel.

We were ready to leave the next day for Koh Tao...yayyyy!! and after attempting to give the bikes back to the lady who rented them out to us, the boys realised that her shop wasnt open, we stayed as long as we could before we had to be at the boat jetty and Mike opted to stay to collect the passports while me, Rach and Dom got the boat to Tao (turtle island)...we thought the lady had done a runner, as she charged two girls at our hotel £500 for falling off their bikes!! haha...apparently she had gone on holiday though.

So off we went to our second favourite out of them all...Sairee beach here we come :)

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