Thursday 16 September 2010

Koh Samui and Bangkok

We could all agree that we didnt want to leave Koh Tao...especially Sairee Cottages and the beach, but we were and we were off to Koh Samui. Rach and Mike wanted to do some elephant trekking and we wanted to show them around the waterfalls. So off we set on the 'high speed' was a very fast boat that was for sure. We arrived there in under 2hours and luckily I slept the whole way, after our busy morning of diving :)

We were greeted by per usually on Koh Samui, but we jumped into a taxi and arrived at New Huts around 45minutes later. We settled in and once the rain had stopped took a walk into Lamai town centre to check out the food markets and shops. It was so quiet around the town, we had a stroll and bought a few things (no change there) and grabbed a bite or two to eat at the market. The food was scrummy. Mike and Dom even found McDonalds (MikeDomalds hahaha) and bought a few cheese burgers (they later did sample the TRIPLE cheeseburger and DOUBLE BigMac!!! Crikey) We later turned in for an early night after far too many early mornings.

The next day Rach and Mike had planned to go on an elephant trek, so while Dom and I sunbathed they went trekking. They came back 2 hours later with huge smiles on their faces saying that they had an amazing time. They fed their elephant 'beer' with bananas and got loads of snaps taken by their driver, which was cool!! Many pictures on there for Josie!! :)
To finish off the afternoon we rented 2 motorbikes out and took a whizz around to the mumified was a little strange as this mumified monk sits in a glass cabinet with raybans on!!...But we did get our monk bracelets and we set off again to go to Namung Waterfall.
We parked our bikes and began the 'hour' walk to the top...(it wasnt actually 1 hour but the staff at the bottom where telling us it was so we bought a ticket to get a ride up in a fancy truck) the wolfpack being troopers opted against this idea and took the hike! So almost half an hour later we arrived at the top, where you couldnt actually swim (that came later) but admired the 80m view. We took a few steps down and came to the swimming pool, where we all jumped in and had a swim (I especially jumped in as I was desperate for a wee), Rach had even bought her 'sea shoes' (very funny indeed) so while she took around 15minutes to put them on and get in...and also take all the pictures for us, we were ready to leave! hahaha!! Only joking. We stayed there for a while and when it got a little nippy we headed back to get on the bikes. So after a fuel stop at KFC...much needed I'm sure...we set back off to our huts to get a change of clothes, do a little packing ready to leave tomorrow and headed out for another whizz around to Chaweng Beach.

We went straight to the first bar and grabbed some drinks...luckily for us it was happy hour, so we had some yummy cocktails :) We did yet more shopping, where we drove a hard bargain and had a little walk through the town. It was a lot busier than Lamai...full of lady boys really, we had to turn down the Thai Boxing since they were charging over £20 per ticket :( but to make up for the loss we headed to McD!! Cheesy chips were on the menu as well as the huge burgers which the boys opted for, McDonalds impressed us more when we saw the Singha bar out front!! The night was drawing to a close so we headed back and did our final packing ready for Bangkok tomorrow!!

So we were checked out at 10am and after another little walk around...a few more buys :p ...our pickup came and we were off...Goodbye beaches :(
We were dropped off at the ferry pier, where we randomly got onto another coach and then boarded a ferry...we didnt quite realise it was a car ferry we were going on, it was different but nice, we were across the ocean within 1 and a half hours and we set off in the coach to Surat Thani. 1hour later we were told to get off and wait...luckily we were at a restuarant, which was kind of them. We got the Uno cards out, of course, and played a lot of games, we ordered food, lots of tea and played with the two kittens that lived there. 2hours after we were dropped off our VIP bus turned up. The bus was empty and only about 10 of us got on. We got front row seats for the films (well film...after Dom told them to turn it off after already watching it once, only for them to miss hear him and presume he wanted to go to bed at 9:15!! hahaha!! Night then!!)

3:30am we arrived in Bangkok...we did find a room for us all and hit the deck until 10 the next morning. We had a busy day of spending lots of money shopping, Dom was getting his tattoo and Rach, Mike and I were going to get a final Peddy :) Dom got his tattoo booked for 12:30 and while he waited we all went to get our pedicure...they were addictive. Mike even had a foot scrub again, but no polish. Dom's time was up and he was waiting for the guy to start, he had to lie on the bed face down through a small hole. It was funny as Mike photographed him while he was getting it done, his face was all scrunched up, but it was worth it in the end, it looked so good. In between Dom getting his tattoo Rach and I went and shopped, we bought A LOT!! But returned to meet the boys who thought they had deserved a beer...Dom had got a tattoo and Mike had got a pedicure (he thought he had better restore some dignity, he did this by downing his beer) We grabbed a bite to eat before booking a taxi for Rach and Mike to get to the airport, we had a final drink and a few games on Uno and before we knew it, it was time to say our goodbyes :(
The wolfpack would be split in half, so it was an emotional goodbye, I cried after they left, off they went in their taxi to the airport....hopefully we would be back as a pack soon...Thailand in February?? Yeaaaahhhhhhhhhhh :)

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