Sunday 4 April 2010

The U-Turn!!......Goa

DOMS BIRTHDAYYY...After a morning boat ride...5am start...which was amazing to watch the sun come up over the Ganges whilst all the Indian’s come out and do their morning ritual. Miss Webb and Miss Fray I put a lotus flower in the Ganges for good luck and good karma for you both! :)
A few hours later after going back to bed, we treated ourselves to a Special and a Continental Breakfast...very tasty!
We made an aim to go find some shops, get some water from our lil’ mate and go see the cobra man.

We got our drink first, must have been his day off and made our way to the shops. After being branded a ‘Liar’ for apparently saying we would look in his shoddy little silk shop and then walking straight past it, Sarah found what she was looking for...trying to get a bargain we left unsuccessful...his loss, BUT......big but........we stumbled upon the Golden Temple! sounds better than it is, probably because non-hindus are not allowed within 20metres of the entrance, and its covered with army men with big proper real guns! Nevertheless we had found it...After Dom getting called to sit down with the Police and then them fire questions...”you want to go to the Golden Temple?””is that your wife?” “where you go?”, Dom clearly dropped a load and replied with “no no, we just go market...that way yes?” we then never spoke about the Golden temple until we were safe and back in our Hotel room...door locked

We then found the cobra man who we will put a picture up of just because he’s a hero, sat in the shade with 2 cobras in pots and another snake in a satchel! As you do...we got a few snaps and after being told to only pay him 5-10rupees we thought we would be kind and give him 20....but OOHHHH NO that was not enough for 2 photos with 2 different snakes...oooohh ended up with Dom standing there with his 20rupees and about 4 Indian guys trying to tell him that it’s not enough...Sarah happened to have started to walk off and turned around and said, “that’s all we have so do you want it or not?20rupees or 0rupees!?” sadly it didn’t phase him so we offered 25...still not phased so 50rupees it was...


Can you actually believe that I have decided to stay in India for a ‘couple’ more weeks! After arriving in Delhi and walking up and down piss alley I thought the sooner I get away from India the better!
Saying that though...since we’ve left Delhi the smell has died down a bit...whether that’s because we get an overall stench from the river which overpowers the smell or the fact the locals are having poos’ off the edge of steps and a goat is waiting at the landing point for a snack, or even the fact that there are bodies being burnt everyday 24/7 I haven’t quite put my finger on it as of yet...So maybe not for the better! Haha...Just to clear it up, although whatever it is that’s causing the funky smells, I am lovin’ India, especially the 42’C weather and the fact that now we could stay in India as well as be on the beach! But most of all (and I speak for Dom as well) we are happy that we are slowly on our way to laying a good old fashioned English Log....yes, Delhi Belly is definitely not cool! And old news wayyyy behind us now! ***

After a very lengthy stay at Hotel by the Elvis brothers, who are all massive chubby Buddha-like blokes...LaLa, Haroon and the ‘other chubby brother’...their little cleaner boy...who thinks he’s a Ronaldo look-a-like...and Papu.... who I have to say is the most AMAZING cook in the whole wide world...I have never tasted food that good...Vegetable Burgers...Yummyyy!!
Sad to say it’s got to the point where we eat there for breakfast...lunch...and tea...and whenever we eat anywhere else we just slate it – ‘This is not as good as Papu’s food’...’Papu’s food doesn’t taste this bad’...we just thought we should venture out of Elvis so we’re not ‘sado’s’ that are always on the rooftop!!!...Never again will we eat somewhere else now, after the soggy, doughy spring roll from Ganga Fuji which looked more like a Cornish pasty than it did a spring roll...give them credit though – they got the shape right...and it was very nearly a roll...they just slipped up with using the pastry option as well as the filling...

So it was a Friday afternoon and we were doing our daily walk along the river...and we...well Dom... Thought...should we really leave India after only 2weeks...bearing in mind our Visa runs out on Aug 10...2010!!...
He had the almost...genius I’ve ever heard from his mouth...”shall we go to the beaches for a few weeks...maybe Goa?” eyes lit up when I heard the word. I have always wanted to go, but I’ve always said that I want to do it expense spared. After I ever really going to come back to India? I thought probably stop is the Maldives after travelling for there it was, the decision was made....Goa is out next stop....white sandy beaches, palm trees...beach huts, no more trousers and perfect beachy weather!...what more could I ask for?...seems too good to be true!!

Straight to the internet we went...flight search...with no cheap flights...we kinda gave up...but Dom not one to give up when he has a cracking idea...TRAIN!!!
The thought of a train across the other side of India...we later found out it would be a whopping 30-35+ hours...eeek! However; Goa at the other side - DEFINATLEY worth it. Well not exactly...we have to go to Mumbai on the way and then another train to Goa...but none the less we will eventually be in Goa!

So now after a longgg....very very long stay, a total of Elvis Guest house, it was time for us to go out and explore the slums of Mumbai, Bollywood and more importantly the Goan beaches of India....and I cannot wait....BIKINI time!!!!

**P.S Can I just add that Dom wrote the bit about the Poo; although I’m not denying that this is true.
**P.P.S. Can I also just add that flares are definitely not cool...and that according to Locals we are classed as Gipsy’s as we travel around a’s very selfish of us!!...Gee Thanks!

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