Saturday 17 April 2010

Goa - Paradise!

Leaving Mumbai for Goa sounded pretty good, going from one extreme to the other, after walking around, touching shoulders with everyone it was that busy, to being on the beach sunbathing all day...heaven...and heaven it certainly was! This was what I pictured heaven to be and if this is still in India, heaven must be even better!

We arrived at the station and got a local bus, brim full of people (we felt like sardines)...very cosy...I was on the backseat with the ‘girls’ of the neighbourhood
and Sarah was next to the slick guy playing it cool... looking at her every now and again!..Whilst singing along to the tunes...
The bus was kind and dropped us off only 3Km away from the beach telling us it was a 15minute walk...maybe if it was cold and we ran, but when it was boiling hot, each with a MASSIVE bag and Sarah with a blister equally as big on her foot! was a bit longer than their suggestion

Never mind, a few hours later we got there and found a Beach hut ‘on the beach’ can’t see the beach but you can hear it. The huts were all in a horse-shoe shaped formation apart from ours was a bit out of it and in the the cheapest hut they had...still we couldn’t complain..£3.50 a night, a couple of pigs under the hut, piglets running around, chickens waking you up at silly o clock and a nice dog who follows us where ever we go...Sarah tells me to stroke him...I would place a large bet on him having fleas

As for the beach, it was paradise!...palm trees lining the beach, sea like a hot blue bath...bars along the top at 30p a beer in happy hour...and to top it off the sun went down on the beach as well...
Our first day was interesting, we walked up and down the beach and bumped into some girls we met in Mumbai so decided we would meet them later for some drinks the next night.
10 o clock the next day we got out, put our sunbeds in prime position of the sun, after buying fresh new towels and factor 20 Indian sun’block’....well...1 problem; it didn’t block anything! After a few hours we were burnt alive! I was anyway; Sarah was just a bit red....burnt.

That put our sunbathing on hold...the next two days we sat under a thatched umbrella and somehow I still got burnt again! Beyond just the burnt, red was now a painful purple colour.
Apparently I should have still put suncream on when sitting in the shade...which was beyond me but Sarah had done it and wasn’t burnt so I couldn’t argue!
2 days later we started again, back out with our towels in the position...bring it on sun....this time we could handle it, staying out until 5.15pm! It hit me, suncreams not for wimps, its actually pretty cool.
We went for a meal with Katrina and Rachel, to try out their new hotel’s restaurant...Sarah’s food was amazing, the girls’ food was also great...mine was disgusting; we put it down to me being ill, the reason why I threw it up. The waiter would come over and clear all the plates, apart from mine thinking I hadn’t finished so I felt bad and tried to eat it all up, and threw the whole lot up over the side of the chair next to me, and let their dog clear it up...felt pretty good after I have to admit!

Overall I think we can say Goa has been a success, we have survived the roads of India by renting a moped out for the day to see the beaches either side of the one we are staying at, the beer was cheap, they play premier league football, we have a hammock and a balcony, hear but not see the sea, we are actually past the burnt phase and getting brown, Sarah’s hair is getting blonder! And most of all she has stocked up on lip balm!!
With our tickets booked to go to Hampi we can leave Goa very happy brown bunnies...

P.S Oh and...Rach I hope you have noticed I am not writing in 3rd person anymore!!

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