Sunday 18 July 2010

Hoi An - Beach parties, 1 too many buckets and 3000 dong beer

Although the plan was to head on the bus to Hue, we had heard that there wasn't much there, and got told 1 day there would be enough we thought it wasn't really worth a visit and decided to head straight to Hoi An.
Lee and Vicky arrived back in Hanoi and we decided we would go together. 2 Australian guys, Grayem and Andrew who were on Lee and Vicky's Ha Long trip also had planned to get the bus, so we set off to Hoi An. We had the back row which seemed awesome, until we got going and it turned out the Air Conditioning didn't go back that far, so we a got window which was a poor replacement!...Sarie, once again slept for most of it like a baby,,,and I got maybe 2hours sleep, on the plus though, I made a sweeeeeettt playlist, mainly consisting of the decline on repeat with a bit of a ricky gervais podcast thrown into the works here and there!
Grayem and Andrew were laughing as they got the top back row, so the air con was reaching them!
Also after speaking to the aussies it turns out that there are others who find the asian squat and drop toilet as difficult as I do. Firstly none of us can squat with flat feet, it is an art..and secondly I find to be able to go to the toilet I have to get completely naked and then attempt a squat whilst holding onto whatever handle I can find for dear life to stop me falling backwards into the bowl. At first I thought I must be doing something wrong but to put my mind at rest, Lee and both the Aussies have the same problem...It is quite an experience, not to mention the time I got caught short with no paper, but we won't go into that!!...a story for another time!

Anyways leading the blog swiftly away from toilets and back to the beautiful Hoi An. We arrived and had agreed with the others that we would try the hostel where we said we would meet the 3 Aussie girls and 2 other English girls who we met on our Ha Long trip...We got to the hostel each on the back of a motorbike with all our bags....6 motorbikes driving in convoy filled to the brim with all our bags, Sarie still managed to get the camera out and take some pics!
Turns out the hostel is full, so we met the girls to explain that we would come back and catch up with them later but were going to find a new hostel...So back on the motorbikes, however 2 had disappeared!! so 6 of us jumped on the back of 4 motorbikes again with all our bags!....very cosy! but definately safe!...haha
The only rooms available were their best rooms, which were a bit above the budget but definately worth it!!! it was luxury in every possible meaning of the word!!...this is the life!

Once we got sorted we had a swim, and some lunch trying the local food, whiterose and cau bau....sooooo good! We decided we would have a wonder and then meet the others back at the hostel before going for tea...Having made a pact not to buy any tailoring Sarie's arm was twisted after Grayem and Andrew had ordered there 4 suits, and the next place we ended up was a tailor shop...and before we knew it Sarah had agreed on 2 dresses and a boyfriend blazer. We then let the girls at the other hostel know our plans for tea and they decided to have a quiet night.
As we got back to our hostel, we noticed a restaurant across the road selling beer for 3000!! that's got to be a definate...also 2 for 1 on G&T's...We grabbed Lee Vicky Grayem and Andrew and that ended up being our local for our stay...9 beers for less than £1!ridiculous, and as you can imagine we took full advantage of that

The next day we had our free buffet breakfast....sure!!heh....and took our free bicycles provided by the hotel...again...sure!! and headed to the beach....PARADISE!! covered with palm trees, white sands and blueeee sea, we were in heaven. We got our sunbeds and that was our plan for the next 3 days...We met the girls there too which was fun and had a few beers in the sun, and not to mention bat and ball!...Andrew and Lee set the record with 30...we tried to top it for hours but had to settle with 29 :( ...failed
That evening the girls had to catch their bus to Nha Trang so we arranged to meet them there a couple of days later.

On our last night we decided we would all hit the beach party, obviously starting off early at the local and filling up on the cheap beer and g&ts....15 beers to be precise, but who's counting, I think Lee hit 17 and Grayem and Andrew must have reached the 20 mark!! Sarie and Vicky guzzled 8 STRONG G&Ts!...yepp....we were about ready to hit the party...then we moved onto buckets of god knows what, nevertheless it was good!...we sat on the beach, whilst the others had a skinny dip in the pool, and got our shapes out on the dancefloor...before losing the camera twice in 1 night!...asking the staff if they had seen it, they answered no, before 1 went behind a tree to look for it and somehow the camera was in his pocket both times! 'is this your camera?'...genius!! He was definately not giving it back until he saw Sarie, distraught and breaking down in tears....that did the trick!!!

We got back at 5.30am on the back of a random motorbike and for once I remember the whole night...the only 1 out of the 6 of us!
I think it's fair to say we hit it pretty hard in Hoi An, but we made the most of the beach which was the main plan, and were ready to get our bus to Nha Trang (who we had booked via Mr.T!! he took us straight to the bus's starting point so we were first on to get first pickings of the beds..this bus ride must be better than the last!!) to meet the others. We parted ways again with Lee and Vicky who were heading north, and Grayem and Andrew were heading to Laos but we'll probably meet somewhere in the future!...
Anyways....Nha Trang here we come....the beach capital of Vietnam :-)

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