Sunday 7 March 2010

On our Marks, get set

Its come to that time again, after conquering Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia and Singapore..we set ourselves another trip mixing the unknown with familiar, visitng new countries and cultures as well as stopping at our favourite parts from our previous trip!

2 Years of hard work, arguably living the dream in Jack Wills and Marks & Spencer, we have saved our pennies to globetrot, starting with India - The Land of the holy cow.
After learning the hard way about keeping a diary from our previous trip...(deciding to keep a diary 6 weeks into it) and recalling everything we did day by day; we have got ourselves organised and set this up before we go. We also have splashed out on a laptop to take so we can update this as we go.

Ach-ha (Goodbye)

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