Monday 2 May 2011

It's been a while...'s been a while since we wrote one of these! Thought I would update on what adventures we've been up to...(and Mum keeps pestering me to write one!!!)...Here goes....

Christmas came and went far too quickly...New Year was amazing, we chose to go to the only place on the North Shore were you can BYO (obviously)..Dom chose the booze...Gin and Tonic, a controversial choice but tasty to say the least. We sat watching 5million dollars worth of fireworks blow up in the sky with a view of the bridge. It will be a highlight of our Australia experience thats for sure.

Things went back to normal after New Year and we were both back to working far too much, but luckily (for me anyway) one of my jobs had to end and I was back on the unemployment road...watching TV, eating lots of food...basically not doing a lot! Sounds like uni again. I managed to find a job at a new bar just at the top of our road. Perfect, I started early Feb and it was going great. Dom also found a new jobby at a seafood fishmonger place. Right next door to his bakery job. All the locals do double takes at us when they see us...I just reply "Yeh I work at the cafe and at the bar" and Dom says "Yes you saw me in the bakery yesterday, I also work there too"!!! The old women love him, they think he's working so hard!! hahaha!!

We had booked to go to Cairns on 16th off we set at 4am! We had 4days there and we were going to spend our christmas money on a dive or 3 :) We spent the first days just strolling around. It was a strange place, there was no beach, but a man-made beach with metal palms trees and metal fish everywhere, haha! It was a replacement beach I guess. It reminded me of America in the Western moveies, with all the swinging bar doors and tumbleweed everywhere. It was entirely like that but not too far off! We had a great time diving, that will be another highlight of our trip, we unfortunatley went straight after a huge hurricane had hit and the visability and coral had been badly damanged by everything. However it was so much fun, and we saw so many cool fish and a huge, huge grouper.

The day after our diving we went on a little trip up the coast North to Cape Tribulation, a port where Captain Cook came and fixed his boat. Fact! It was beautiful, we didnt a little sightseeing around the beaches and the cape itself. We walked through the oldest rainforest in Australia and saw the biggest spider Ive ever seen. It was as big as my face! Gros.

Anyway, our trip, like everything else, quickly came to and end and we were back "home" to Sydney in no time. The next day we booked flights to Adelaide and Melbourne. This was going to be our huge road trip of the Australia trip...Adelaide to Ayres Rock, Ayres Rock to Melbourne in a campervan in 7days...EXCITINGG!!