Sunday 28 November 2010

The Pommies hit Oz

We left Bali after wasting our last spends on cocktails by the pool and headed (both with a slightly muggy head) to the airport for our flight to Sydney :-) we were soooo excited!
After only a short flight of 6hours and after not much sleep...I thought I was about to faint, we didnt get any food, the guy next to Dom was watching topless girls on his TV. We hit Australia, Dom's friends Tom and Rob were picking us up and had offered us a place to crash for a few days while we got ourselves sorted, which was such a relief and so helpful for us. We met them after rushing through customs...I forgot to mention that I had coral and shells in my I am now a smuggeler! haha!
We headed towards the car..which turned out to be a beast named the 'falcon' it was huge and such a great car for travelling round! (Dom and I have even took it out for a spin around Sydney..obviously getting lost a few times, both thinking we knew the wrong) So off we set through the city at 8am...rush hour! It was so amazing to see and after crossing the bridge (the one and only harbour bridge) we knew that our time in Sydney and the rest of Australia was going to be Swwweeet!!
For the rest of the day Tom took us sight seeing around Circular Quay and the city. We walked arcoss the harbour bridge, went for a good old Aussie Beer, walked around to the Opera house and took a stroll through the Botanical gardens which was amazing, especially after seeing all the huge fruit bats hanging from the trees. I had my first Aussie meal, which is just the same as anything you find in England minus the Kangaroo steak, of wedges with sour cream and chilli sauce...mmm mmmm!! I was hooked!!
For the rest of the day we walked around the city seeing all the shops was a strange city as it didnt actually feel like you were in a city, there was gardens everywhere and not that many tall buildings, so it felt different, but still amazing!

The next few days were just so great, we job hunted for a lot of the time and took the bus and ferry around the city for the rest. We visited the Wildlife world and saw our first Koala bears and Kangaroos. Darling harbour was awesome and the weather definatley wasnt letting us down. The weekend came around and we went out to Manly, a beach side town, it rained...but it was a great atmosphere watching the rugby final in a bar. We had a few more drinks and of course the wedges and sour cream to fill us up...and drank the night away!!

We finally saw Jess and Julz for tea and had a great meal with them..which turned out to be a few great meals.

The following week Dom had managed to get a job doing some removals for a guy named Alistaire. Dom was getting up at 6am every morning and coming back at around 5pm...great for him and money but really long hours moving desks and furniture all day!! But hey it was a job which is what we needed, as Sydney was sooooo expensive!!
We managed to get a flat within that week, which was beautiful, I was in heaven as it was unfurnished...we hit IKEA that weekend!! On the Sunday we took at trip to the harbour on our side of the bridge, fishing rods in hand!! Yes a fishing day!! Rob and Tom were pretty much pro's and when Dom attempted it, was a complete disaster, he lost his hook a lot!! But hey, I took over after telling him that I could actually fish, 5minutes later I caught a HUGE sole fish!! haha...take that one Dom!! Obviously we let him swim back in, but the competition was on!! haha!! The following week Dom bought a fish home with him after they had been out fishing, as you can imagine, not impressed as it stinks!! It is still wrapped up in our freezer!!